Thursday, January 29, 2009

Clean Shavin????

I am having a heck of a time getting Diamond to allow me to clip her... anywhere. She eyes those blue clippers and sees the devil himself sitting there.... and that’s before they’ve even been turned on!! I have rubbed her with them (while off) and yes, she does let me do that very grudgingly, and she will now even allow me to rub them on her face when turned on, but as soon as they get into position to clip, she gets scared.
So I thought, maybe if she saw my other mare Sugar get a trim, she’d be a little better about it. I had both horses in the cross ties facing each other, and trimmed Sugar with out incident. Chin, nose, bridle path, ears, everything I wanted to trim and she stood there like the great mare that she is.
The whole time Diamond stared at us like we were growing horns right in front of her. I left Sugar in her cross ties, and moved over to Diamond with the clippers on. She did her cross-tie dance (you know the one... move forward, backwards, paw, paw, snort, right and left dance...) After she calmed down, I stood there just rubbing her neck with my hand while I held the clippers in front of her so she could see them and smell them if she wanted. After a few minutes, she decided that her curiosity was stronger than her fear and she took a step forward and put her nose on the clippers.... hey those aren’t that scary after all... She was perfectly fine with them in the position they were in, but as soon as I moved them, she wasn’t having any of it... so back to the rubbing and petting we went. After a few more of these advance and retreats with the clippers, I was able to move them around and touch her nose with the “wrong (non-clipping)” end and move it around... The feel and noise doesn’t appear to bother her at this point, so I turn them around and think I’m going to clip her muzzle.... As soon as the noise changed from just running to cutting something, it was all over for her... it’s changed and she’s not comfortable with that. Finally, before the battery died, I managed to clip about ½ of her nose one or two hairs at a time, and none of her chin... She is quite a site to look at with ½ of her face nice and smooth, and the other ½ long... but hey, we aren’t out to win any beauty pageants yet, so who cares... I’d rather take it slow and clip her as she’ll let me instead of getting her cooperation through fear and pain.


  1. Are they very loud clippers?
    My horse wasn't too happy with getting clipped last year either because I was using these gigantic ten year old monster clippers. They scared me a bit being so loud.

    This year, I bought some small Andis Tack Mate clippers. They are very quiet (an won't make your arms tired!)

    He ended up acting as if he actually enjoyed getting clipped this year. He still doesn't like the monster clippers much, but he will tolerate them.

    Maybe if your clippers are very loud, it is just too much for your horse since this is her first clipping?

  2. JJ - Good point, they are a bit louder than a more expensive brand would be. I'll see if someone has a quieter pair i could borrow and see how it goes. :)
