Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day at the Ocean

This Sunday of Memorial Weekend, we took Sugar and Baby Diamond to the ocean for some beach fun. Diamond got out of the trailer and thought it was so cool! She was checking everything out; Bikes, cars, kites, dogs, the big big water... all sorts of distractions for her. She stood great to get tacked up, and was alert and absorbing everything that was going on. Unfortunately, I had switched some tack around at home, and grabbed the wrong bridle, so I didn’t have her bit, she only had her halter and lead rope, with a pair of reins. We started out walking the horses in hand and Diamond quickly became very calm and relaxed, so Hubby hopped up before we knew it, he was trotting past Sugar and I, they were going over drift wood logs, checking out the sea weed that had washed up on the beach, and crunching over empty crab shells.
We played on the beach, and in the water, it was a perfect day, about an hour into the ride, the clouds burned off, and we had blue sky, and a mild wind
Sugar had a harder time absorbing the change of scenery, and we spent a bit more time walking in hand before mounting, but once we did, it was incredible!
I’ve ridden many rental horses on the beach, they are pluggy, and herd sour horses that drag their feet on the way out, and death trot on the way back in. This was so different! These were my own horses, and I had done the training on Diamond to make her the confident little girl who took the big wide ocean all in stride.

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